人造语言 维基
第1行: 第1行:
#'''太陽照噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ jlau da.<br />The sun shines.
#'''太陽照噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ jlau da.<br />'''''The sun shines.'''''
#'''太陽照著噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ jlau-je da.<br />The sun is shining.
#'''太陽照著噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ jlau je da.<br />'''''The sun is shining.'''''
#'''太陽照了噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ jlau-le da.<br />The sun shone.
#'''太陽照了噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ jlau le da.<br />'''''The sun shone.'''''
#'''太陽要照呢噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ b̋e jlau-ŋe da.<br />The sun will shine.
#'''太陽要照呢噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ b̋e jlau ŋe da.<br />'''''The sun will shine.'''''
#'''太陽照了噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ jlau-le da.<br />The sun has been shining.
#'''太陽照了噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ jlau le da.<br />'''''The sun has been shining.'''''
#'''太陽又擱照著噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ yu-go jlau-je da.<br />The sun is shining again.
#'''太陽又擱照著噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ yugo jlau je da.<br />'''''The sun is shining again.'''''
#'''太陽照呢噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ mioŋ-rɩ b̋e jlau-ŋe da.<br />The sun will shine tomorrow.
#'''太陽日照呢噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ h̋ourɩ jlau ŋe da.<br />'''''The sun will shine tomorrow.'''''
#'''太陽明亮地照著噠。'''<br />Tai-yayŋ mioŋ-liaŋ-di jlau-je da.<br />The sun shines brightly.
#'''太陽明亮地照著噠。'''<br />Taiyayŋ mioŋliaŋdi jlau je da.<br />'''''The sun shines brightly.'''''
#'''明亮太陽照著噠。'''<br />Mioŋ-liaŋ-de tai-yayŋ jlau-je da.<br />The bright sun shines.
#'''明亮太陽照著噠。'''<br />Mioŋliaŋ taiyayŋ jlau je da.<br />'''''The bright sun shines.'''''
#'''現在太陽升著噠。'''<br />Hen-zoi tai-yayŋ s̆leŋ-je da.<br />The sun is rising now.
#'''現在太陽升著噠。'''<br />Henzoi taiyayŋ s̆leŋ je da.<br />'''''The sun is rising now.'''''
#'''全部人攏喊了噠。'''<br />Zuan-bu riyn loŋ h̋lam-le da.<br />All the people shouted.
#'''全部人攏喊了噠。'''<br />Zuanbu riyn loŋ h̋lam le da.<br />'''''All the people shouted.'''''
#'''些人喊了噠。'''<br />Som riyn h̋lam-le da.<br />Some of the people shouted.
#'''些人喊了噠。'''<br />Som riyn h̋lam le da.<br />'''''Some of the people shouted.'''''
#'''很多人喊了二回噠。'''<br />Jioq do-riyn h̋lam-le nɩ-gaiy da.<br />Many of the people shouted twice.
#'''很多人喊了二回噠。'''<br />Jioq doriyn h̋lam le nɩ gaiy da.<br />'''''Many of the people shouted twice.'''''
#'''快樂的人經常喊噠。'''<br />Fai-loq-de riyn gin-c̆uoŋ h̋lam da.<br />Happy people often shout.
#'''快樂的人經常喊噠。'''<br />Failoqde riyn ginc̆uoŋ h̋lam da.<br />'''''Happy people often shout.'''''
#'''小ne-ki向上跳了噠。'''<br />Seo-ne-ki heoŋ-seoyŋ tliau-le da.<br />The kitten jumped up.
#'''小neki向上跳了噠。'''<br />Seo neki heoŋseoyŋ tliau le da.<br />'''''The kitten jumped up.'''''
#'''小ne-ki跳上桌子了噠。'''<br />Seo-ne-ki tliau-seoŋ doyq-zɩ le da.<br />The kitten jumped onto the table.
#'''小neki跳上桌子了噠。'''<br />Seo neki tliauseoŋ doyqzɩ le da.<br />The kitten jumped onto the table.
#'''我小ne-ki走離了噠。'''<br />ŋue seo-ne-ki zlau-li-le da.<br />My little kitten walked away.
#'''我小neki走離了噠。'''<br />ŋue seo neki zlauli le da.<br />My litt le kitten walked away.
#'''雨落了噠。/落雨了噠。'''<br />Yüy lol-le da./ Lol-yü-le da./ Lol yüy le da.<br />It's raining.<br />(**語言習慣不同,英文用現在進行式,大樂語和中文常用"下雨了"表示)
#'''雨落了噠。/落雨了噠。'''<br />Yüy lol le da./ Lolyü le da./ Lol yüy le da.<br />It's raining.<br />(**語言習慣不同,英文用現在進行式,大樂語和中文常用"下雨了"表示)
#'''小ne-ki在雨中玩著噠。'''<br />Seo-ne-ki di yü-d̋ioyŋ waln-je da.<br />The kitten is playing in the rain.
#'''小neki在雨中玩著噠。'''<br />Seo neki di yü d̋ioyŋ waln je da.<br />The kitten is playing in the rain.
#'''雨停了噠。'''<br />Yüy tliŋ-le da.<br />The rain has stopped.
#'''雨停了噠。'''<br />Yüy tliŋ le da.<br />The rain has stopped.
#'''雨很快就要停呢噠。'''<br />Yüy jioq fai zau-b̋e tliŋ-ŋe da.<br />Soon the rain will stop.
#'''雨很快就要停呢噠。'''<br />Yüy jioq fai zaub̋e tliŋ ŋe da.<br />Soon the rain will stop.
#'''希望雨很快停呢噠。'''<br />Hlei-b̋oŋ yüy jioq fai tliŋ-ŋe da.<br />I hope the rain stops soon.
#'''希望雨很快停呢噠。'''<br />Ŋo hleib̋oŋ yüy jioq fai tliŋ ŋe da.<br />I hope the rain stops soon.
#'''曾經野生動物在這了噠。'''<br />Cɩŋ-gin ya-seŋ-doŋ-b̋uy di-je dual-le da.<br />Once wild animals lived here.
#'''曾經野生動物在這處活了噠。'''<br />Cɩŋgin yaseŋdoŋb̋uy di jec̆uy wal le da.<br />Once wild animals lived here.
#'''她慢地四處看了噠。'''<br />Ta b̋an-di sɩ-c̆u klan-le da.<br />Slowly she looked around.
#'''她慢地四處看了噠。'''<br />Ta b̋andi sɩc̆u klan le da.<br />Slowly she looked around.
#'''走離我!'''<br />Zlau-li ŋoi!.<br />Go away!
#'''走離我! / 走啦!'''<br />Zlauli ŋoi la!. / Zlau la!<br />Go away!
#'''逗陣走吧!'''<br />Dau-d̋in zlau-ba!.<br />Let's go!
#'''逗陣走吧!'''<br />Daud̋in zlau ba!.<br />Let's go!
#'''你應該去呢噠。'''<br />Ne Yiŋ-gae h̋ləi-ŋe da.<br />You should go.
#'''你應該去呢噠。'''<br />Ne Yiŋgae h̋ləi ŋe da.<br />You should go.
#'''我很歡喜去呢噠。'''<br />ŋo jioq fuan-hi h̋ləi-ŋe da.<br />I will be happy to go.
#'''我很歡喜去呢噠。'''<br />Ŋo jioq fuanhi h̋ləi ŋe da.<br />I will be happy to go.
#'''他很快就要走到呢噠。'''<br />Ta jioq fai zau-b̋e zlau-deu-ŋe da.<br />He will arrive soon.
#'''他很快就要走到呢噠。'''<br />Ta jioq fai zaub̋e zlaudeu ŋe da.<br />He will arrive soon.
#'''球滾離了噠 。'''<br />Seo-g̋in-de kiuy glun-li-le da.<br />The baby's ball has rolled away.
#'''嬰球滾離了噠 。'''<br />G̋in'a kiuy glunli le da.<br />The baby's ball has rolled away.
#'''二男孩逗陣工作著噠。'''<br />Nɩ nam-g̋iyn dau-d̋in goŋ-zuol-je da.<br />The two boys are working together.
#'''二男孩逗陣工作著噠。'''<br />Nɩ namg̋iyn daud̋in goŋzuol je da.<br />The two boys are working together.
#'''霧可能會散呢。'''<br />b̋uy h̋o-nəŋ hue slan-ŋe.<br />This mist will probably clear away.
#'''霧可能會散呢。'''<br />B̋uy h̋onəŋ hue slanŋe.<br />This mist will probably clear away.
#'''美好花在四處綻放著噠。'''<br />b̋i-ho-de fay di sɩ-c̆u jan-plaŋ-je da.<br />Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
#'''美好花在四處綻放著噠。'''<br />B̋iho fay di sɩc̆u janplaŋje da.<br />Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
#'''我們應該吃較慢呢噠。'''<br />ŋo-men yiŋ-gae c̆ɩl kaq-b̋an ŋe da.<br />We should eat more slowly.
#'''阮須較慢地吃呢噠。'''<br />Ŋon soi kaq b̋andi c̆ɩl ŋe da.<br />We should eat more slowly.
#'''你來得太早了噠。'''<br />Ne lael-də tu-zao le da.<br />You have come too soon.
#'''你來得太早了噠。'''<br />Ne laeldə tu zao le da.<br />You have come too soon.
#'''你須較工整呢噠。'''<br />Ne soi s̆ül kaq-goŋ-jɩŋ ŋe da.<br />You must write more neatly.
#'''你須較工整地書呢噠。'''<br />Ne soi kaq goŋjɩŋdi s̆ül ŋe da.<br />You must write more neatly.
#'''正對面有一美好皇宮噠。'''<br />Jiaŋ due-b̋in yu yaq b̋i-ho-de woŋ-goyŋ da.<br />Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
#'''正對面有一美好皇宮噠。'''<br />Jiaŋ dueb̋iyn yu yaq b̋iho woŋgoyŋ da.<br />Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
#'''Henry的ge-wi不見了噠。'''<br />Henry de ge-wi m-glen-le da.<br />Henry's dog is lost.
#'''Henry gewi不見了噠。'''<br />Henry gewi mouglen le da.<br />Henry's dog is lost.
#'''我ne-ki是烏色的噠。'''<br />ŋue ne-ki s̆ɩ ou-seq-de da.<br />My cat is black.
#'''我neki是烏色的噠。'''<br />Ŋue neki s̆ɩ ouseqde da.<br />My cat is black.
#'''小女孩的娃娃被壞了噠。'''<br />Seo ŋio-g̋in de wa-way h̋o-plai-le da.<br />The little girl's doll is broken.
#'''小女孩的娃娃被壞了噠。'''<br />Seo ŋiog̋in de waway h̋oplai le da.<br />The litt le girl's doll is broken.
#'''我經常安穩地睏噠。<br />ŋo gin-c̆uoŋ an-wun-di klun da.'''<br />I usually sleep soundly.
#'''我經常安穩地睏噠。<br />'''Ŋo''' ginc̆uoŋ anwundi klun da.'''<br />I usually sleep soundly.
#'''小孩們追著Jack噠。'''<br />Seo-g̋in-men dlui-je Jack da.<br />The children ran after Jack da.
#'''小孩們追著Jack噠。'''<br />Seog̋inmen dlui je Jack da.<br />The children ran after Jack da.
#'''在下學後我能玩噠。'''<br />Di h̋a-h̋aq-h̋oy ŋo nəŋ waln da.<br />I can play after school.
#'''在下學後我能玩噠。'''<br />Di h̋ah̋aqh̋ouy ŋo nəŋ waln da.<br />I can play after school.
#'''我們訪了那村莊噠。'''<br />ŋo-men fluoŋ-le he-cun-juoyŋ da.<br />We went to the village for a visit.
#'''訪了那村莊噠。'''<br />Ŋon fluoŋ le hecunjuoyŋ da.<br />We went to the village for a visit.
#'''我們來到了那河噠。'''<br />ŋo-men lael-deu-le he-h̋əy da.<br />We arrived at the river.
#'''來到了那河噠。'''<br />Ŋon laeldeu le heh̋əy da.<br />We arrived at the river.
#'''我一直等你噠。'''<br />ŋo Yi-d̋iq dleŋ-je nei da.<br />I have been waiting for you.
#'''我一直等你噠。'''<br />Ŋo Yid̋iq dleŋ nei je da.<br />I have been waiting for you.
#'''紮營者們圍著火坐了噠。'''<br />Ja-yiŋ-jay-men wil-je foy zual-le da.<br />The campers sat around the fire.
#'''紮營者們周圍坐了噠。'''<br />Jayiŋjaymen di fo jiuviy zual le da.<br />The campers sat around the fire.
#'''有ne-ki的小女孩在我附近坐了噠。'''<br />Yu ne-ki de seo-ŋio-g̋in di ŋue hu-giyn zual-le da.<br />A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
#'''有neki的小女孩在我坐了噠。'''<br />Yu neki de seoŋiog̋in di ŋue payŋ zual le da.<br />A litt le girl with a kitten sat near me.
#'''那小孩在門邊等她爸了噠。'''<br />He seo-g̋in di mun-bieyn dleŋ tae-ba le da.<br />The child waited at the door for her father.
#'''那小孩在門邊等她爸了噠。'''<br />He seog̋in di munbieyn dleŋ tae bay le da.<br />The child waited at the door for her father.
#'''日村莊裡女孩的小ne-ki不見了噠。'''<br />Zo-rɩ cun-juoŋ-lae s̆ioŋ-d̋ai-ŋio-g̋in-de seo-neki m-glen-le da.<br />Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
#'''女孩的小neki不見了噠。'''<br />C̆onrɩ je cun naey s̆ioŋ juoŋ ŋiog̋in de seo neki mouglen le da.<br />Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
#妳佇這村出生了嗎?<br />Ne di je-cun-juoyŋ culq-se-le ma?<br />Were you born in this village?
#妳佇這村出生了嗎?<br />Ne di je cuyn cluqse le ma?<br />Were you born in this village?
#你兄/弟能好地跳舞嗎?<br />Ne hia/dia nəŋ hou-di tliau-b̋u ma?<br />Can your brother dance well?
#你兄/弟能好地跳舞嗎?<br />Ne hia/dia nəŋ houdi tliaub̋u ma?<br />Can your brother dance well?
#那人了嗎?<br />He-rin lil-le ma?<br />Did the man leave?
#那人了嗎?<br />Heriyn zlau le ma?<br />Did the man leave?
#你姊為你來著嗎?<br />Ne jia wil-je nei lael-je ma?<br />Is your sister coming for you?
#你姊為你來著嗎?<br />Ne jia wileo nei lael je ma?<br />Is your sister coming for you?
#你日能來呢嗎?<br />Ne mioŋ-rɩ nəŋ lael-ŋe ma?<br />Can you come tomorrow?
#你日能來呢嗎?<br />Ne h̋ourɩ nəŋ lael ŋe ma?<br />Can you come tomorrow?
#鄰房們已經為了冬天走了嗎?<br />Lin-faŋ-men yi-gin wil-le duŋ-tien zlau-li-le ma?<br />Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
#鄰已經為了冬天走了嗎?<br />Linga yigin wileo duŋtieyn zlau le ma?<br />Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
#這to-ri在雨天唱歌嗎?<br />Je to-ri di yü-tieyn c̆laŋ guay ma?<br />Does the bird sing in the rain?
#這tori在雨天唱歌嗎?<br />Je toriy di yütieyn c̆laŋgua ma?<br />Does the bird sing in the rain?
#你我們逗陣去呢演唱會嗎?<br />Ne b̋e ga-ŋo-mein dau-d̋in h̋ləi-ŋe yien-c̆aŋ-huey ma?<br />Are you goiŋ with us to the concert?
#你和逗陣去呢演唱會嗎?<br />Ne ga ŋon daud̋in h̋ləi yenc̆aŋhuey ŋe ma?<br />Are you going with us to the concert?
#你曾經佇叢林裡旅行了嗎?<br />Ne cɩŋ-gin di coŋ-lin-lae lio-helŋ-le ma?<br />Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
#你曾經佇叢林裡旅行了嗎?<br />Ne cɩŋgin di coŋlin naey liohleŋ le ma?<br />Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
#我們沿河向下航行些英哩了。<br />ŋo-men yeln-le h̋əy heoŋ-h̋ay haŋ-hleŋ som yiŋ-liy le.<br />We sailed down the river for several miles.
#沿河向下航行些mile。<br />Ŋon yeln h̋əy heoŋ h̋ayoy haŋhleŋ som mailəy le da.<br />We sailed down the river for several miles.
#所有人都知道狩獵。<br />So-yu-rin loŋ jɩl-do s̆ou-lieay.<br />Everybody knows about hunting.
#所有人都知道狩獵。<br />Soyu riyn loŋ jɩldo s̆oulieay da.<br />Everybody knows about hunting.
#'''佇一夏至後天的早上,我們向山出發了。'''<br />Di yaq s̆ia-jɩ-h̋ou tien-c̆iŋ-de zao-seoŋ, ŋo-men heoŋ-s̆ayn cuq-fluaq-le.<br />(夏至是二十四節氣之一,大樂語讀音完全與中文相同)<br />On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
#'''佇一夏至後天的早上,向山出發了。'''<br /> yaq s̆iajɩ h̋ouy houtien de zaoseoŋ, ŋon heoŋ s̆ayn cuqfluaq le da.<br />(夏至是二十四節氣之一,大樂語讀音完全與中文相同)<br />On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
#Tom 對sa-lui的耍戲笑了。<br />Tom due-sa-lui-de s̆ua-hiy c̆iol-le.<br />Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
#Tom 對salui耍戲笑了。<br />Tom due salui s̆uahiy c̆iol le da.<br />Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
#拿手杖的老人佇籬笆旁站了。<br />Tel-le siu-jayŋ-de lao-riyn di li-ba-poŋ-bieyn zlam-le.<br />An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
#拿手杖的老人佇籬笆旁站了。<br />Tel siujayŋ de laoriyn di liba payŋ zlam le da.<br />'''''An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The squirrel's nest was hid̋en by drooping boughs.
#Talam cumi(松鼠)巢被垂落樹枝掩蓋了噠。<br />Talam cumi s̆iuy pou tuilo c̆iugiy yimgloi le da.<br />'''''The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.'''''
#小種子們在雪裡耐心地等溫暖春陽。<br />Seo jiəŋ-zɩ-men di s̆üe-lae nai-sam-di dleŋ-le wun-nuan-de c̆un-yayŋ.<br />The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
#小種子們在雪裡耐心地等溫暖春陽了噠。<br />Seo jiəŋzɩmen di s̆üelae naisamdi dleŋ wunnuan c̆unyayŋ le da.<br />'''''The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.
#許多頭上穿著花的小女囡們在火周圍跳舞了噠。<br />Hoido teo seoyŋ cluan fay je de seo ŋiog̋inmen di fo jiuvi tliaub̋u le da.'''''<br />Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.'''''
#'''籃子的蓋子落到地板上了噠'''。<br />Lan-zi-de goi-zi lol-deu di-ban-seoyŋ-le da.<br />The cover of the basket fell to the floor.
#'''籃子的蓋子落到地板上了噠'''。<br />Lanzɩ goizɩy lol deu diban seoyŋ le da.<br />'''''The cover of the basket fell to the floor.'''''
#'''在行列第一男孩在入口停住了噠'''。<br />Di haŋ-lieq-d̋ioŋ dae-yaq nan-g̋in di ruq-h̋eo tliŋ-jü-le da.<br />The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.
#'''在行列第一男孩在入口停住了噠'''。<br />Di haŋlieq naey dae yaq nang̋in di ruqh̋eo tliŋjü le da.<br />'''''The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.'''''
#'''-'''<br />On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.
#'''山丘頂上住一明智老女人''''''了''''''噠。'''<br />S̆ankiu diŋseoyŋ dual yaq mioŋji lao ŋioriyn le da.<br />'''''On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.'''''
#'''-'''<br />During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.
#'''佇阮佇這國住的時間,阮經常佇牧場內徒步了噠。'''<br />Dü ŋon di je guyq dual de s̆igan, ŋon ginc̆uoŋ  di muc̆uoŋ naey tobol le da.'''''<br />During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.'''''
#'''你從都市來的訪客啥時來到呢?'''<br />Nie wi do-s̆iy lael-de faŋ-kəy s̆a-s̆i lael-deu-ŋe?.<br />When will your guests from the city arrive?
#'''你從都市來的訪客啥時來到呢?'''<br />Nie wi dos̆iy lael de faŋkayq s̆as̆i laeldeu ŋe?.<br />When will your guests from the city arrive?
#'''-'''<br />Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.
#''''''<br />Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Between the two lofty mountains lay a fertile valley.
#''''''<br />Between the two lofty mountains lay a ferti le valley.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Among the wheat grew tall red poppies.
#''''''<br />Among the wheat grew tall red poppies.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground.
#''''''<br />The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.
#''''''<br />The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress.
#''''''<br />The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The spool of thread rolled across the floor.
#''''''<br />The spool of thread rolled across the floor.'''''
#'''-'''<br />A box of growing plants stood in the Window.
#''''''<br />A box of growing plants stood in the Window.'''''
#'''我很快樂噠!'''<br />ŋo jioq fai-loq da!<br />I am very happy.
#'''我很快樂噠!'''<br />ŋo jioq failoq da!<br />I am very happy.
#'''這些柑是多汁的噠。'''<br />Je-som gaym s̆ɩ do-jɩ-de da.<br />These oranges are juicy.
#'''這些柑是多汁的噠。'''<br />Jesom gaym s̆ɩ dojɩde da.<br />These oranges are juicy.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">海水是鹹的噠。</span><br />h̋ae-suey s̆ɩ giem-de da.<br />Sea water is salty.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">海水是鹹的噠。</span><br />h̋aesuey s̆ɩ giemde da.<br />Sea water is salty.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">在街道上都有滿的人噠。</span><br />Di gie-do-seoyŋ loŋ-yu muan-de riyn da.<br />The streets are full of people.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">在街道上都有滿的人噠。</span><br />Di giedoseoyŋ loŋyu muande riyn da.<br />The streets are full of people.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">吃糖甜噠。</span><br />c̆ɩ-tayŋ tim da.<br />Sugar tastes sweet.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">吃糖甜噠。</span><br />c̆ɩtayŋ tim da.<br />Sugar tastes sweet.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">觸火燒噠。</span><br />c̆oq-foy s̆io da.<br />The fire feels hot.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">觸火燒噠。</span><br />c̆oqfoy s̆io da.<br />The fire feels hot.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">小女孩似乎孤單</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">噠</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">。</span><br />Seo ŋio-g̋in sɩ-fu gu-dan da.<br />The little girl seemed lonely.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">小女孩似乎孤單</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">噠</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">。</span><br />Seo ŋiog̋in sɩfu gudan da.<br />The litt le girl seemed lonely.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">這小男孩的爸曾是水手了噠</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">。</span><br />Je seo nan-g̋in-de bay cɩŋ-s̆ɩ sue-siuy le da.<br />The little boy's father had once been a sailor.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">這小男孩的爸曾是水手了噠</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">。</span><br />Je seo nang̋inde bay cɩŋs̆ɩ suesiuy le da.<br />The litt le boy's father had once been a sailor.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">我毛毯不見了噠</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">。</span><br />ŋue mo-tayn m-glen-le da.<br />I have lost my blanket.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">我毛毯不見了噠</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">。</span><br />ŋue motayn mglen le da.<br />I have lost my blanket.
#一Robin to-ri在這蘋果樹上建巢了噠。<br />Yaq ro-bin to-ri di je-poŋ-goq-c̆iu-seoyŋ glien-s̆iu-le da.<br />A robin has built his nest in the apple tree.
#一Robin tori在這蘋果樹上建巢了噠。<br />Yaq robin tori di jepoŋgoqc̆iuseoyŋ gliens̆iu le da.<br />A robin has built his nest in the app le tree.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">在中午我們在路邊吃午頓</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">了噠。</span><br />Di d̋ioŋ-ŋu ŋo-men di lo-biyn c̆ɩl-ŋu-duyn-le da.<br />At noon we ate our lunch by the roadside.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">在中午我們在路邊吃午頓</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">了噠。</span><br />Di d̋ioŋŋu ŋon di lobiyn c̆ɩlŋuduyn le da.<br />At noon we ate our lunch by the roadside.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">Jones先生為了他小兒做了一刀</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">。</span><br />Jones seŋ-s̆iŋ wi-le tae seo-gia zol-le yaq deoy.<br />Mr. Jones made a knife for his little boy.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">Jones先生為了他小兒做了一刀</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">。</span><br />Jones seŋs̆iŋ wi le tae seogia zol le yaq deoy.<br />Mr. Jones made a knife for his litt le boy.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">聽他們聲很快樂噠</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">。</span><br />Ting-tae-men-sheyŋ jioq fai-loq da.<br />Their voices sound very happy.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">聽他們聲很快樂噠</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">。</span><br />Tingtaemensheyŋ jioq failoq da.<br />Their voices sound very happy.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">今日是星期一嗎</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">?</span><br />Gim-rɩ-s̆ɩ saŋ-kei-yayq ma?<br />Is today Monday?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">今日是星期一嗎</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">?</span><br />Gimrɩs̆ɩ saŋkeiyayq ma?<br />Is today Monday?
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">全部葉子都從樹上落光了嗎?</span><br />Zuan-bu yeq-ziy loŋ wi c̆iu-seoyŋ lol-guoŋ-le ma?<br />Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">全部葉子都從樹上落光了嗎?</span><br />Zuanbu yeqziy loŋ wi c̆iuseoyŋ lolguoŋ le ma?<br />Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">你能準時準備好呢嗎?</span><br />Ne nəŋ jün-ši zlun-bi-hou-ŋe ma?<br />Will you be ready on time?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">你能準時準備好呢嗎?</span><br />Ne nəŋ jünši zlunbihouŋe ma?<br />Will you be ready on time?
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">你能替我送</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">呢</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">這信息嗎?</span><br />Ne nəŋ tei-ŋo slaŋ-ŋe je sam-siq-ma?<br />Will you send this message for me?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">你能替我送</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">呢</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">這信息嗎?</span><br />Ne nəŋ teiŋo slaŋŋe je samsiqma?<br />Will you send this message for me?
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">你等著我嗎</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">?</span><br />Ne dleŋ-je ŋo ma?<br />Are you waiting for me?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">你等著我嗎</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">?</span><br />Ne dleŋje ŋo ma?<br />Are you waiting for me?
#'''-'''<br />Is this the first kitten of the litter?
#''''''<br />Is this the first kitten of the litter?'''''
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">這雙鞋對你來講太大嗎</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">?</span><br />Je-šiaŋ-šüey due-ne-lae-gloŋ tu-d̋ai ma?<br />Are these shoes too big for you?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">這雙鞋對你來講太大嗎</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">?</span><br />Ješiaŋšüey duenelaegloŋ tud̋ai ma?<br />Are these shoes too big for you?
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">這河幾多寬</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">?</span><br />Je h̋əy gi-do fun?<br />How wide is the River?
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">這河幾多寬</span><span style="fontweight: bold;">?</span><br />Je h̋əy gido fun?<br />How wide is the River?
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">聽。</span><br />Tleŋ-ba.<br />Listen.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">聽。</span><br />Tleŋla.<br />Listen.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">在我旁邊坐。</span><br />Di ŋo-poŋ-bin zual-ba.<br />Sit here by me.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">在我旁邊坐。</span><br />Di ŋopoŋbin zualla.<br />Sit here by me.
#'''-'''<br />Keep this secret until tomorrow.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">明天的前保持這秘密啦。</span><br />Mioŋrɩde čon blouh̋ou jeb̋imiy la.<br />Keep this secret until tomorrow.
#'''-'''<br />Come with us.
#跟阮來啦。<br />Due ŋon draela.<br />Come with us.
#'''-'''<br />Bring your friends with you.
#'''跟你朋友逗陣來啦。'''<br />Ga niepaŋyoy daud̋indraela.<br />Bring your friends with you.
#'''-'''<br />Be careful.
#較細膩個啦。<br />Kaq seŋige la.<br />Be careful.
#'''-'''<br />Have some tea.
#'''飲茶啦。'''<br />Drim čay la.<br />Have some tea.
#'''-'''<br />Pip and his dog were great friends.
#'''Pip和他yinuy是好朋友了噠。'''<br />Pip ga taeyinuy s̆ɩ houpaŋyoy le da.<br />Pip and his dog were great friends.
#'''-'''<br />John and Elizabeth are (elder) brother and (younger) sister.
#John和Elizabeth是兄和妹噠。<br />John ga Elizabeth s̆ɩ hiay ga miay da.<br />John and Elizabeth are (elder) brother and (younger) sister.
#'''-'''<br />You and I will go together.
#'''你和我要逗陣去呢噠。'''<br />Ne ga ŋo b̋e daud̋in h̋ləiŋe da.<br />You and I will go together.
#'''-'''<br />They opened all the doors and windows.
#'''坦(他們)開啓全部門和窗了噠。'''<br />Tan h̋laekei zuanbu muyngac̆uoyŋ le da.<br />They opened all the doors and windows.
#'''-'''<br />He is small, but strong.
#他小, 但強噠。<br />Ta seo, dan kiang da.<br />He is small, but strong.
#'''-'''<br />Is this tree an oak or a maple?
#''''''<br />Is this tree an oak or a maple?'''''
#'''-'''<br />Does the sky look blue or gray?
#看天空藍或灰?<br />Kantienhoyŋ na wa huai?<br />Does the sky look blue or gray?
#'''-'''<br />Come with your father or mother.
#帶你的爸或媽來啦。<br />Tleq nie bay wa may drae la.<br />Come with your father or mother.
#'''-'''<br />I am tired, but very happy.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">我很累,但很快樂噠。</span><br />Ŋo jioq rui, dan jioq failoq da.<br />I am tired, but very happy.
#'''-'''<br />He played a tune on his wonderful flute.
#''''''<br />He played a tune on his wonderful flute.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Toward the end of August the days grow much shorter.
#''''''<br />Toward the end of August the days grow much shorter.'''''
#'''-'''<br />A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.
#''''''<br />A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The first part of the story is very interesting.
#'''這故事的第一部份很有趣味噠。'''<br />Je gusuyde daeyaqbufuyn jioq yucuviy da.<br />The first part of the story is very interesting.
#'''-'''<br />The crow dropped some peb̋les into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.
#''''''<br />The crow dropped some pebbles into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The baby clapped her hands and laughed in glee.
#''''''<br />The baby clapped her hands and laughed in glee.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Stop your game and be quiet.
#''''''<br />Stop your game and be quiet.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
#'''鼓聲越來越響了噠。'''<br />Gus̆eyŋ lulaelus̆ioŋ le da.<br />The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
#'''-'''<br />Do you like summer or winter better?
#'''你較喜歡夏天或冬天?'''<br />Ne kaq hilfuan h̋atieyn wa doŋtieyn?<br />Do you like summer or winter better?
#'''-'''<br />That boy will have a wonderful trip.
#那男孩將有美妙旅途呢噠。<br />He namg̋in jioŋyu b̋imiau lütuy ŋe da.<br />That boy will have a wonderful trip.
#'''-'''<br />They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.
#''''''<br />They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.'''''
#'''-'''<br />They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
#坦(他們)前兩戰勝了,但最後一戰敗了噠。<br />Tan chonnɩjoyn slɩŋle, dan zueh̋ouyaejoyn bael le da.<br />They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
#'''-'''<br />Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.
#''''''<br />Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
#我早地起床,快地穿衫,之後下樓吃早頓了噠。<br />Ŋo zaodi kilčuoŋ, faidi člings̆an, jih̋ou h̋allo c̆ɩl zaoduyn le da.<br />I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
#'''-'''<br />Aha! I have caught you!
#啊哈!我抓住你了呀!<br />Aha! Ŋo jliaqjü nei le ya!<br />Aha! I have caught you!
#'''-'''<br />This string is too short!
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">這線太短啊!</span><br />Je seyn tu duon a!<br />This string is too short!
#'''-'''<br />Oh, dear! the wind has blown my hat away!
#'''糟啦!風''''''呼離''''''我帽子了噠!'''<br />Zaula! Foyŋ hulli ŋue mozi le da!<br />'''''Oh, dear! the wind has blown my hat away!'''''
#'''-'''<br />Alas! that news is sad indeed!
#''''''<br />Alas! that news is sad indeed!'''''
#'''-'''<br />Whew! that cold wind freezes my nose!
#''''''<br />Whew! that cold wind freezes my nose!'''''
#'''-'''<br />Are you warm enough now?
#''''''<br />Are you warm enough now?'''''
#'''-'''<br />They heard the warning too late.
#<span style="fontweight: bold;">他們太晚地聽到警報了噠。</span><br />Tan tub̋andi tleŋdeu giəŋboy le da.<br />They heard the warning too late.
#'''-'''<br />We are a brave people, and love our country.
#'''阮是勇敢民族,愛阮的國噠。'''<br />Ŋon s̆ɩ yuŋgan minzuy, ael ŋonde guyq da.<br />'''''We are a brave people, and love our country.'''''
#'''-'''<br />All the children came except Mary.
#'''除了Mary, 全部小孩攏來了噠。'''<br />C̆uleo Mary, zuanbu seog̋iyn loŋ drae le da.<br />'''''All the children came except Mary.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Jack seized a handful of peb̋les and threw them into the lake.
#<span style="font-weight: bold;">Jack 抓一手小石,向湖內扔出(坦)了噠。</span><br />Jack jliaq yaqs̆ou seosioyq, heoŋ vu naey d̋rəŋcuq (tain) le da.<br />'''''Jack seized a handful of pebbles and threw them into the lake.'''''
#'''-'''<br />This cottage stood on a low hill, at some distance from the village.
#''''''<br />This cottage stood on a low hill, at some distance from the village.'''''
#'''-'''<br />On a fine summer evening, the two old people were sitting outside the door of their cottage.
#''''''<br />On a fine summer evening, the two old peop le were sitting outside the door of their cottage.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Our bird's name is Jacko.
#''''''<br />Our bird's name is Jacko.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The river knows the way to the sea.
#''''''<br />The river knows the way to the sea.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing.
#''''''<br />The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing.'''''
#'''-'''<br />They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing.
#''''''<br />They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The little house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.
#''''''<br />The litt le house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.'''''
#'''-'''<br />We visited my uncle's village, the largest village in the world.
#''''''<br />We visited my uncle's village, the largest village in the world.'''''
#'''-'''<br />We learn something new each day.
#''''''<br />We learn something new each day.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The market begins five minutes earlier this week.
#''''''<br />The market begins five minutes earlier this week.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Did you find the distance too great?
#''''''<br />Did you find the distance too great?'''''
#'''-'''<br />Hurry, children.
#''''''<br />Hurry, children.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Madam, I will obey your command.
#''''''<br />Madam, I will obey your command.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.
#''''''<br />Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.'''''
#'''-'''<br />In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.
#''''''<br />In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Tell the last part of that story again.
#''''''<br />Tell the last part of that story again.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Be quick or you will be too late.
#''''''<br />Be quick or you will be too late.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Will you go with us or wait here?
#''''''<br />Will you go with us or wait here?'''''
#'''-'''<br />She was always, shab̋y, often rag̋ed, and on cold days very uncomfortable.
#''''''<br />She was always, shab̋y, often rag̋ed, and on cold days very uncomfortable.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Think first and then act.
#''''''<br />Think first and then act.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I stood, a little mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.
#''''''<br />I stood, a litt le mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.
#''''''<br />Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Be satisfied with nothing but your best.
#''''''<br />Be satisfied with nothing but your best.'''''
#'''-'''<br />We consider them our faithful friends.
#''''''<br />We consider them our faithful friends.'''''
#'''-'''<br />We will make this place our home.
#''''''<br />We will make this place our home.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.
#''''''<br />The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The little girl made the doll's dress herself.
#''''''<br />The litt le girl made the doll's dress herself.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I hurt myself.
#''''''<br />I hurt myself.'''''
#'''-'''<br />She was talking to herself.
#''''''<br />She was talking to herself.'''''
#'''-'''<br />He proved himself trustworthy.
#''''''<br />He proved himself trustworthy.'''''
#'''-'''<br />We could see ourselves in the water.
#''''''<br />We could see ourselves in the water.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Do it yourself.
#''''''<br />Do it yourself.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I feel ashamed of myself.
#''''''<br />I feel ashamed of myself.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Sit here by yourself.
#''''''<br />Sit here by yourself.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The dress of the little princess was embroidered with roses, the national flower of the Country.
#''''''<br />The dress of the litt le princess was embroidered with roses, the national flower of the Country.'''''
#'''-'''<br />They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.
#''''''<br />They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.'''''
#'''-'''<br />With him as our protector, we fear no danger.
#''''''<br />With him as our protector, we fear no danger.'''''
#'''-'''<br />All her finery, lace, rib̋ons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.
#''''''<br />All her finery, lace, rib̋ons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Light he thought her, like a feather.
#''''''<br />Light he thought her, like a feather.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.
#''''''<br />Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.'''''
#'''-'''<br />In our climate the grass remains green all winter.
#''''''<br />In our climate the grass remains green all winter.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The boy who brought the book has gone.
#''''''<br />The boy who brought the book has gone.'''''
#'''-'''<br />These are the flowers that you ordered.
#''''''<br />These are the flowers that you ordered.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I have lost the book that you gave me.
#''''''<br />I have lost the book that you gave me.'''''
#'''-'''<br />The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.
#''''''<br />The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Come when you are called.
#''''''<br />Come when you are called.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I shall stay at home if it rains.
#''''''<br />I shall stay at home if it rains.'''''
#'''-'''<br />When he saw me, he stopped.
#''''''<br />When he saw me, he stopped.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.
#''''''<br />Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I shall lend you the books that you need.
#''''''<br />I shall lend you the books that you need.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Come early next Monday if you can.
#''''''<br />Come early next Monday if you can.'''''
#'''-'''<br />If you come early, wait in the hall.
#''''''<br />If you come early, wait in the hall.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.
#''''''<br />I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Gnomes are little men who live under the ground.
#''''''<br />Gnomes are litt le men who live under the ground.'''''
#'''-'''<br />He is loved by everybody, because he has a gentle disposition.
#''''''<br />He is loved by everybody, because he has a gent le disposition.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Hold the horse while I run and get my cap.
#''''''<br />Hold the horse whi le I run and get my cap.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I have found the ring I lost.
#''''''<br />I have found the ring I lost.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Play and I will sing.
#''''''<br />Play and I will sing.'''''
#'''-'''<br />That is the funniest story I ever heard.
#'''那是我聽過尚好笑的故事噠。'''<br />He s̆ɩ ŋo tleŋguea s̆ioŋhoc̆iode gusuy da.<br />That is the funniest story I ever heard.
#'''-'''<br />She is taller than her (younger) brother.
#她比她弟較高噠。<br />Ta bei taedia kaq go da.<br />She is taller than her (younger) brother.
#'''-'''<br />They are no wiser than we.
#坦(他們)沒比阮較聰穎哪。<br />Tan moubei ŋon kaq coŋyiŋ na.<br />They are no wiser than we.
#'''-'''<br />Light travels faster than sound.
#'''光速比音速較快噠。'''<br />Guoŋsoyq bei ɩmsoyq kaq fai da.<br />Light travels faster than sound.
#'''-'''<br />We have more time than they.
#我們有比他們較多時間噠。<br />Ŋon yu bei tan kaq do s̆igan da.<br />We have more time than they.
#'''-'''<br />She has more friends than enemies.
#她有的朋友比敵人較多噠。<br />Ta yude paŋyoy bei deiqrin kaq do da.<br />She has more friends than enemies.
#'''-'''<br />He was very poor, and with his wife and five children lived in a little low cabin of logs and stones.
#''''''<br />He was very poor, and with his wife and five children lived in a litt le low cabin of logs and stones.'''''
#'''-'''<br />When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mantle more closely around him.
#''''''<br />When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mant le more closely around him.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I am sure that we can go.
#我相信我們能去噠。<br />Ŋo sleoŋsam ŋon nəŋ h̋ləi da.<br />I am sure that we can go.
#'''-'''<br />We went back to the place where we saw the roses.
#''''''<br />We went back to the place where we saw the roses.'''''
#'''-'''<br />This tree is fifty feet high, said the gardener.
#園丁講了,這樹的高度是五十英尺噠。<br />Yündeyŋ gloŋle, ječiuyde godo s̆ɩ g̋osu yiŋčəq da.<br />This tree is fifty feet high, said the gardener.
#'''-'''<br />I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.
#''''''<br />I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.'''''
#'''-'''<br />My opinion is that the governor will grant him a pardon.
#''''''<br />My opinion is that the governor will grant him a pardon.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Why he has left the city is a mystery.
#為何他走離了這城市是謎噠。<br />Wiho ta zlauli le ječɩŋs̆iy s̆ɩ b̋eiy da.<br />Why he has left the city is a mystery.
#'''-'''<br />The house stands where three roads meet.
#''''''<br />The house stands where three roads meet.'''''
#'''-'''<br />He has far more money than brains.
#''''''<br />He has far more money than brains.'''''
#'''-'''<br />Evidently that gate is never opened, for the long grass and the great hemlocks grow close against it.
#''''''<br />Evidently that gate is never opened, for the long grass and the great hemlocks grow close against it.'''''
#'''-'''<br />I met a little cottage girl; she was eight years old, she said.
#''''''<br />I met a litt le cottage girl; she was eight years old, she said.'''''

2015年9月3日 (四) 02:52的最新版本


  1. 太陽照噠。
    Taiyayŋ jlau da.
    The sun shines.
  2. 太陽照著噠。
    Taiyayŋ jlau je da.
    The sun is shining.
  3. 太陽照了噠。
    Taiyayŋ jlau le da.
    The sun shone.
  4. 太陽要照呢噠。
    Taiyayŋ b̋e jlau ŋe da.
    The sun will shine.
  5. 太陽照了噠。
    Taiyayŋ jlau le da.
    The sun has been shining.
  6. 太陽又擱照著噠。
    Taiyayŋ yugo jlau je da.
    The sun is shining again.
  7. 太陽後日照呢噠。
    Taiyayŋ h̋ourɩ jlau ŋe da.
    The sun will shine tomorrow.
  8. 太陽明亮地照著噠。
    Taiyayŋ mioŋliaŋdi jlau je da.
    The sun shines brightly.
  9. 明亮太陽照著噠。
    Mioŋliaŋ taiyayŋ jlau je da.
    The bright sun shines.
  10. 現在太陽升著噠。
    Henzoi taiyayŋ s̆leŋ je da.
    The sun is rising now.
  11. 全部人攏喊了噠。
    Zuanbu riyn loŋ h̋lam le da.
    All the people shouted.
  12. 些人喊了噠。
    Som riyn h̋lam le da.
    Some of the people shouted.
  13. 很多人喊了二回噠。
    Jioq doriyn h̋lam le nɩ gaiy da.
    Many of the people shouted twice.
  14. 快樂的人經常喊噠。
    Failoqde riyn ginc̆uoŋ h̋lam da.
    Happy people often shout.
  15. 小neki向上跳了噠。
    Seo neki heoŋseoyŋ tliau le da.
    The kitten jumped up.
  16. 小neki跳上桌子了噠。
    Seo neki tliauseoŋ doyqzɩ le da.
    The kitten jumped onto the table.
  17. 我小neki走離了噠。
    ŋue seo neki zlauli le da.
    My litt le kitten walked away.
  18. 雨落了噠。/落雨了噠。
    Yüy lol le da./ Lolyü le da./ Lol yüy le da.
    It's raining.
  19. 小neki在雨中玩著噠。
    Seo neki di yü d̋ioyŋ waln je da.
    The kitten is playing in the rain.
  20. 雨停了噠。
    Yüy tliŋ le da.
    The rain has stopped.
  21. 雨很快就要停呢噠。
    Yüy jioq fai zaub̋e tliŋ ŋe da.
    Soon the rain will stop.
  22. 我希望雨很快停呢噠。
    Ŋo hleib̋oŋ yüy jioq fai tliŋ ŋe da.
    I hope the rain stops soon.
  23. 曾經野生動物在這處活了噠。
    Cɩŋgin yaseŋdoŋb̋uy di jec̆uy wal le da.
    Once wild animals lived here.
  24. 她慢地四處看了噠。
    Ta b̋andi sɩc̆u klan le da.
    Slowly she looked around.
  25. 走離我啦! / 走啦!
    Zlauli ŋoi la!. / Zlau la!
    Go away!
  26. 逗陣走吧!
    Daud̋in zlau ba!.
    Let's go!
  27. 你應該去呢噠。
    Ne Yiŋgae h̋ləi ŋe da.
    You should go.
  28. 我很歡喜去呢噠。
    Ŋo jioq fuanhi h̋ləi ŋe da.
    I will be happy to go.
  29. 他很快就要走到呢噠。
    Ta jioq fai zaub̋e zlaudeu ŋe da.
    He will arrive soon.
  30. 嬰兒球滾離了噠 。
    G̋in'a kiuy glunli le da.
    The baby's ball has rolled away.
  31. 二男孩逗陣工作著噠。
    Nɩ namg̋iyn daud̋in goŋzuol je da.
    The two boys are working together.
  32. 霧可能會散呢。
    B̋uy h̋onəŋ hue slanŋe.
    This mist will probably clear away.
  33. 美好花在四處綻放著噠。
    B̋iho fay di sɩc̆u janplaŋje da.
    Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
  34. 阮須較慢地吃呢噠。
    Ŋon soi kaq b̋andi c̆ɩl ŋe da.
    We should eat more slowly.
  35. 你來得太早了噠。
    Ne laeldə tu zao le da.
    You have come too soon.
  36. 你須較工整地書呢噠。
    Ne soi kaq goŋjɩŋdi s̆ül ŋe da.
    You must write more neatly.
  37. 正對面有一美好皇宮噠。
    Jiaŋ dueb̋iyn yu yaq b̋iho woŋgoyŋ da.
    Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
  38. Henry gewi不見了噠。
    Henry gewi mouglen le da.
    Henry's dog is lost.
  39. 我neki是烏色的噠。
    Ŋue neki s̆ɩ ouseqde da.
    My cat is black.
  40. 小女孩的娃娃被壞了噠。
    Seo ŋiog̋in de waway h̋oplai le da.
    The litt le girl's doll is broken.
  41. 我經常安穩地睏噠。
    Ŋo ginc̆uoŋ anwundi klun da.
    I usually sleep soundly.
  42. 小孩們追著Jack噠。
    Seog̋inmen dlui je Jack da.
    The children ran after Jack da.
  43. 在下學後我能玩噠。
    Di h̋ah̋aqh̋ouy ŋo nəŋ waln da.
    I can play after school.
  44. 阮訪了那村莊噠。
    Ŋon fluoŋ le hecunjuoyŋ da.
    We went to the village for a visit.
  45. 阮來到了那河噠。
    Ŋon laeldeu le heh̋əy da.
    We arrived at the river.
  46. 我一直等你著噠。
    Ŋo Yid̋iq dleŋ nei je da.
    I have been waiting for you.
  47. 紮營者們佇火周圍坐了噠。
    Jayiŋjaymen di fo jiuviy zual le da.
    The campers sat around the fire.
  48. 有neki的小女孩在我旁坐了噠。
    Yu neki de seoŋiog̋in di ŋue payŋ zual le da.
    A litt le girl with a kitten sat near me.
  49. 那小孩在門邊等她爸了噠。
    He seog̋in di munbieyn dleŋ tae bay le da.
    The child waited at the door for her father.
  50. 前日這村內尚長女孩的小neki不見了噠。
    C̆onrɩ je cun naey s̆ioŋ juoŋ ŋiog̋in de seo neki mouglen le da.
    Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
  51. 妳佇這村出生了嗎?
    Ne di je cuyn cluqse le ma?
    Were you born in this village?
  52. 你兄/弟能好地跳舞嗎?
    Ne hia/dia nəŋ houdi tliaub̋u ma?
    Can your brother dance well?
  53. 那人走了嗎?
    Heriyn zlau le ma?
    Did the man leave?
  54. 你姊為了你來著嗎?
    Ne jia wileo nei lael je ma?
    Is your sister coming for you?
  55. 你後日能來呢嗎?
    Ne h̋ourɩ nəŋ lael ŋe ma?
    Can you come tomorrow?
  56. 鄰家已經為了冬天走了嗎?
    Linga yigin wileo duŋtieyn zlau le ma?
    Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
  57. 這tori在雨天唱歌嗎?
    Je toriy di yütieyn c̆laŋgua ma?
    Does the bird sing in the rain?
  58. 你和阮逗陣去呢演唱會嗎?
    Ne ga ŋon daud̋in h̋ləi yenc̆aŋhuey ŋe ma?
    Are you going with us to the concert?
  59. 你曾經佇叢林裡旅行了嗎?
    Ne cɩŋgin di coŋlin naey liohleŋ le ma?
    Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
  60. 阮沿河向下游航行些mile了噠。
    Ŋon yeln h̋əy heoŋ h̋ayoy haŋhleŋ som mailəy le da.
    We sailed down the river for several miles.
  61. 所有人都知道狩獵噠。
    Soyu riyn loŋ jɩldo s̆oulieay da.
    Everybody knows about hunting.
  62. 佇一夏至後好天的早上,阮向山出發了噠。
    Dü yaq s̆iajɩ h̋ouy houtien de zaoseoŋ, ŋon heoŋ s̆ayn cuqfluaq le da.
    On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
  63. Tom 對salui耍戲笑了噠。
    Tom due salui s̆uahiy c̆iol le da.
    Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
  64. 拿手杖的老人佇籬笆旁站了噠。
    Tel siujayŋ de laoriyn di liba payŋ zlam le da.
    An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
  65. Talam cumi(松鼠)巢被垂落樹枝掩蓋了噠。
    Talam cumi s̆iuy pou tuilo c̆iugiy yimgloi le da.
    The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.
  66. 小種子們在雪裡耐心地等溫暖春陽了噠。
    Seo jiəŋzɩmen di s̆üelae naisamdi dleŋ wunnuan c̆unyayŋ le da.
    The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
  67. 許多頭上穿著花的小女囡們在火周圍跳舞了噠。
    Hoido teo seoyŋ cluan fay je de seo ŋiog̋inmen di fo jiuvi tliaub̋u le da.
    Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.
  68. 籃子的蓋子落到地板上了噠
    Lanzɩ goizɩy lol deu diban seoyŋ le da.
    The cover of the basket fell to the floor.
  69. 在行列內第一男孩在入口停住了噠
    Di haŋlieq naey dae yaq nang̋in di ruqh̋eo tliŋjü le da.
    The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.
  70. 山丘頂上住一明智老女人'了'噠。
    S̆ankiu diŋseoyŋ dual yaq mioŋji lao ŋioriyn le da.
    On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.
  71. 佇阮佇這國住的時間,阮經常佇牧場內徒步了噠。
    Dü ŋon di je guyq dual de s̆igan, ŋon ginc̆uoŋ  di muc̆uoŋ naey tobol le da.
    During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.
  72. 你從都市來的訪客啥時來到呢?
    Nie wi dos̆iy lael de faŋkayq s̆as̆i laeldeu ŋe?.
    When will your guests from the city arrive?
  73. '
    Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.
  74. '
    Between the two lofty mountains lay a ferti le valley.
  75. '
    Among the wheat grew tall red poppies.
  76. '
    The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground.
  77. '
    The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.
  78. '
    The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress.
  79. '
    The spool of thread rolled across the floor.
  80. '
    A box of growing plants stood in the Window.
  81. 我很快樂噠!
    ŋo jioq failoq da!
    I am very happy.
  82. 這些柑是多汁的噠。
    Jesom gaym s̆ɩ dojɩde da.
    These oranges are juicy.
  83. 海水是鹹的噠。
    h̋aesuey s̆ɩ giemde da.
    Sea water is salty.
  84. 在街道上都有滿的人噠。
    Di giedoseoyŋ loŋyu muande riyn da.
    The streets are full of people.
  85. 吃糖甜噠。
    c̆ɩtayŋ tim da.
    Sugar tastes sweet.
  86. 觸火燒噠。
    c̆oqfoy s̆io da.
    The fire feels hot.
  87. 小女孩似乎孤單
    Seo ŋiog̋in sɩfu gudan da.
    The litt le girl seemed lonely.
  88. 這小男孩的爸曾是水手了噠
    Je seo nang̋inde bay cɩŋs̆ɩ suesiuy le da.
    The litt le boy's father had once been a sailor.
  89. 我毛毯不見了噠
    ŋue motayn mglen le da.
    I have lost my blanket.
  90. 一Robin tori在這蘋果樹上建巢了噠。
    Yaq robin tori di jepoŋgoqc̆iuseoyŋ gliens̆iu le da.
    A robin has built his nest in the app le tree.
  91. 在中午我們在路邊吃午頓了噠。
    Di d̋ioŋŋu ŋon di lobiyn c̆ɩlŋuduyn le da.
    At noon we ate our lunch by the roadside.
  92. Jones先生為了他小兒做了一刀
    Jones seŋs̆iŋ wi le tae seogia zol le yaq deoy.
    Mr. Jones made a knife for his litt le boy.
  93. 聽他們聲很快樂噠
    Tingtaemensheyŋ jioq failoq da.
    Their voices sound very happy.
  94. 今日是星期一嗎
    Gimrɩs̆ɩ saŋkeiyayq ma?
    Is today Monday?
  95. 全部葉子都從樹上落光了嗎?
    Zuanbu yeqziy loŋ wi c̆iuseoyŋ lolguoŋ le ma?
    Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?
  96. 你能準時準備好呢嗎?
    Ne nəŋ jünši zlunbihouŋe ma?
    Will you be ready on time?
  97. 你能替我送這信息嗎?
    Ne nəŋ teiŋo slaŋŋe je samsiqma?
    Will you send this message for me?
  98. 你等著我嗎
    Ne dleŋje ŋo ma?
    Are you waiting for me?
  99. '
    Is this the first kitten of the litter?
  100. 這雙鞋對你來講太大嗎
    Ješiaŋšüey duenelaegloŋ tud̋ai ma?
    Are these shoes too big for you?
  101. 這河幾多寬
    Je h̋əy gido fun?
    How wide is the River?
  102. 聽啦。
  103. 在我旁邊坐啦。
    Di ŋopoŋbin zualla.
    Sit here by me.
  104. 明天的前保持這秘密啦。
    Mioŋrɩde čon blouh̋ou jeb̋imiy la.
    Keep this secret until tomorrow.
  105. 跟阮來啦。
    Due ŋon draela.
    Come with us.
  106. 跟你朋友逗陣來啦。
    Ga niepaŋyoy daud̋indraela.
    Bring your friends with you.
  107. 較細膩個啦。
    Kaq seŋige la.
    Be careful.
  108. 飲茶啦。
    Drim čay la.
    Have some tea.
  109. Pip和他yinuy是好朋友了噠。
    Pip ga taeyinuy s̆ɩ houpaŋyoy le da.
    Pip and his dog were great friends.
  110. John和Elizabeth是兄和妹噠。
    John ga Elizabeth s̆ɩ hiay ga miay da.
    John and Elizabeth are (elder) brother and (younger) sister.
  111. 你和我要逗陣去呢噠。
    Ne ga ŋo b̋e daud̋in h̋ləiŋe da.
    You and I will go together.
  112. 坦(他們)開啓全部門和窗了噠。
    Tan h̋laekei zuanbu muyngac̆uoyŋ le da.
    They opened all the doors and windows.
  113. 他小, 但強噠。
    Ta seo, dan kiang da.
    He is small, but strong.
  114. '
    Is this tree an oak or a maple?
  115. 看天空藍或灰?
    Kantienhoyŋ na wa huai?
    Does the sky look blue or gray?
  116. 帶你的爸或媽來啦。
    Tleq nie bay wa may drae la.
    Come with your father or mother.
  117. 我很累,但很快樂噠。
    Ŋo jioq rui, dan jioq failoq da.
    I am tired, but very happy.
  118. '
    He played a tune on his wonderful flute.
  119. '
    Toward the end of August the days grow much shorter.
  120. '
    A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.
  121. 這故事的第一部份很有趣味噠。
    Je gusuyde daeyaqbufuyn jioq yucuviy da.
    The first part of the story is very interesting.
  122. '
    The crow dropped some pebbles into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.
  123. '
    The baby clapped her hands and laughed in glee.
  124. '
    Stop your game and be quiet.
  125. 鼓聲越來越響了噠。
    Gus̆eyŋ lulaelus̆ioŋ le da.
    The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
  126. 你較喜歡夏天或冬天?
    Ne kaq hilfuan h̋atieyn wa doŋtieyn?
    Do you like summer or winter better?
  127. 那男孩將有美妙旅途呢噠。
    He namg̋in jioŋyu b̋imiau lütuy ŋe da.
    That boy will have a wonderful trip.
  128. '
    They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.
  129. 坦(他們)前兩戰勝了,但最後一戰敗了噠。
    Tan chonnɩjoyn slɩŋle, dan zueh̋ouyaejoyn bael le da.
    They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
  130. '
    Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.
  131. 我早地起床,快地穿衫,之後下樓吃早頓了噠。
    Ŋo zaodi kilčuoŋ, faidi člings̆an, jih̋ou h̋allo c̆ɩl zaoduyn le da.
    I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
  132. 啊哈!我抓住你了呀!
    Aha! Ŋo jliaqjü nei le ya!
    Aha! I have caught you!
  133. 這線太短啊!
    Je seyn tu duon a!
    This string is too short!
  134. 糟啦!風'呼離'我帽子了噠!
    Zaula! Foyŋ hulli ŋue mozi le da!
    Oh, dear! the wind has blown my hat away!
  135. '
    Alas! that news is sad indeed!
  136. '
    Whew! that cold wind freezes my nose!
  137. '
    Are you warm enough now?
  138. 他們太晚地聽到警報了噠。
    Tan tub̋andi tleŋdeu giəŋboy le da.
    They heard the warning too late.
  139. 阮是勇敢民族,愛阮的國噠。
    Ŋon s̆ɩ yuŋgan minzuy, ael ŋonde guyq da.
    We are a brave people, and love our country.
  140. 除了Mary, 全部小孩攏來了噠。
    C̆uleo Mary, zuanbu seog̋iyn loŋ drae le da.
    All the children came except Mary.
  141. Jack 抓一手小石,向湖內扔出(坦)了噠。
    Jack jliaq yaqs̆ou seosioyq, heoŋ vu naey d̋rəŋcuq (tain) le da.
    Jack seized a handful of pebbles and threw them into the lake.
  142. '
    This cottage stood on a low hill, at some distance from the village.
  143. '
    On a fine summer evening, the two old peop le were sitting outside the door of their cottage.
  144. '
    Our bird's name is Jacko.
  145. '
    The river knows the way to the sea.
  146. '
    The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing.
  147. '
    They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing.
  148. '
    The litt le house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.
  149. '
    We visited my uncle's village, the largest village in the world.
  150. '
    We learn something new each day.
  151. '
    The market begins five minutes earlier this week.
  152. '
    Did you find the distance too great?
  153. '
    Hurry, children.
  154. '
    Madam, I will obey your command.
  155. '
    Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.
  156. '
    In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.
  157. '
    Tell the last part of that story again.
  158. '
    Be quick or you will be too late.
  159. '
    Will you go with us or wait here?
  160. '
    She was always, shab̋y, often rag̋ed, and on cold days very uncomfortable.
  161. '
    Think first and then act.
  162. '
    I stood, a litt le mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.
  163. '
    Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.
  164. '
    Be satisfied with nothing but your best.
  165. '
    We consider them our faithful friends.
  166. '
    We will make this place our home.
  167. '
    The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.
  168. '
    The litt le girl made the doll's dress herself.
  169. '
    I hurt myself.
  170. '
    She was talking to herself.
  171. '
    He proved himself trustworthy.
  172. '
    We could see ourselves in the water.
  173. '
    Do it yourself.
  174. '
    I feel ashamed of myself.
  175. '
    Sit here by yourself.
  176. '
    The dress of the litt le princess was embroidered with roses, the national flower of the Country.
  177. '
    They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.
  178. '
    With him as our protector, we fear no danger.
  179. '
    All her finery, lace, rib̋ons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.
  180. '
    Light he thought her, like a feather.
  181. '
    Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.
  182. '
    In our climate the grass remains green all winter.
  183. '
    The boy who brought the book has gone.
  184. '
    These are the flowers that you ordered.
  185. '
    I have lost the book that you gave me.
  186. '
    The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.
  187. '
    Come when you are called.
  188. '
    I shall stay at home if it rains.
  189. '
    When he saw me, he stopped.
  190. '
    Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.
  191. '
    I shall lend you the books that you need.
  192. '
    Come early next Monday if you can.
  193. '
    If you come early, wait in the hall.
  194. '
    I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.
  195. '
    Gnomes are litt le men who live under the ground.
  196. '
    He is loved by everybody, because he has a gent le disposition.
  197. '
    Hold the horse whi le I run and get my cap.
  198. '
    I have found the ring I lost.
  199. '
    Play and I will sing.
  200. 那是我聽過尚好笑的故事噠。
    He s̆ɩ ŋo tleŋguea s̆ioŋhoc̆iode gusuy da.
    That is the funniest story I ever heard.
  201. 她比她弟較高噠。
    Ta bei taedia kaq go da.
    She is taller than her (younger) brother.
  202. 坦(他們)沒比阮較聰穎哪。
    Tan moubei ŋon kaq coŋyiŋ na.
    They are no wiser than we.
  203. 光速比音速較快噠。
    Guoŋsoyq bei ɩmsoyq kaq fai da.
    Light travels faster than sound.
  204. 我們有比他們較多時間噠。
    Ŋon yu bei tan kaq do s̆igan da.
    We have more time than they.
  205. 她有的朋友比敵人較多噠。
    Ta yude paŋyoy bei deiqrin kaq do da.
    She has more friends than enemies.
  206. '
    He was very poor, and with his wife and five children lived in a litt le low cabin of logs and stones.
  207. '
    When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mant le more closely around him.
  208. 我相信我們能去噠。
    Ŋo sleoŋsam ŋon nəŋ h̋ləi da.
    I am sure that we can go.
  209. '
    We went back to the place where we saw the roses.
  210. 園丁講了,這樹的高度是五十英尺噠。
    Yündeyŋ gloŋle, ječiuyde godo s̆ɩ g̋osu yiŋčəq da.
    This tree is fifty feet high, said the gardener.
  211. '
    I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.
  212. '
    My opinion is that the governor will grant him a pardon.
  213. 為何他走離了這城市是謎噠。
    Wiho ta zlauli le ječɩŋs̆iy s̆ɩ b̋eiy da.
    Why he has left the city is a mystery.
  214. '
    The house stands where three roads meet.
  215. '
    He has far more money than brains.
  216. '
    Evidently that gate is never opened, for the long grass and the great hemlocks grow close against it.
  217. '
    I met a litt le cottage girl; she was eight years old, she said.